Monday, January 25, 2010

short ZOMBIE fiction ( hey, this seems familiar!! ) episode one.

We are not a government agency, Goddamnitt!
But, we are employed by a conglomerate of corporate interests that have ties to government projects. You know, people that could be seriously fucked if the legal hammer ever drops on this thing.
Unsanctioned testing with human subjects.
Biological weapons so far in the black that even mentioning the name of said weapons would get your throat cut by an unseen C.I.A. spook.
The contamination of an entire south eastern town, population a little less than 20,000.
Yeah, we aren't here to help. We are just here to make sure that evidence of any involvement by those corporate interests gets destroyed before the official investigation gets under way. Our employers are paying handsomely for their continued anonymity.
Problem is, our team is about to wade through almost 20,000 seriously fucked up citizens to get to an underground facility that has been sealed off from the inside and our employers are being very tight lipped about whats inside that facility.
They are taking a "find out when you get there" kind of strategy with this operation.
Get inside.
Plant the charges.
Get out and make your way to the evacuation site where a company BLACKHAWK will arrive once the signal is sent from your CELL-LINK.
It would be a fucking cake walk if there weren't all those flesh eating Zombies to worry about.
I don't think I'm going to live through this job. But I go where the team goes, no questions asked.


morris13 said...

Sounds like the Duke boys are headin' into trouble.

Kass said...

Oooohh. Will the Zombies be slow or fast? Can't wait to find out their speed...